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​Your membership of IACR supports the development of critical realism and the work of the Association.

It also offers you a range of benefits, including:


1. Subscription to the Journal of Critical Realism

A subscription to the Journal of Critical Realism is included as part of your membership. You may choose to receive a printed or online version of the Journal. Regardless of your choice, your membership allows online access to the complete back archive and current issues of the Journal, making a wealth of fully searchable material available to you.


2. Annual Conference

As an IACR member, you receive a substantially discounted rate at the annual conference.


3. Voting privileges

As an IACR member, you have the right to vote in the tri-annual election of IACR officers (president, general secretary, treasurer, editor of the Journal of Critical Realism and Council members). The annual Members Meeting is traditionally held on the final afternoon of each annual conference. As a member, you may attend, vote on motions, and contribute to the future direction of IACR.


To join or renew

Our publishing partners, Taylor & Francis, administer membership on our behalf and manage the publication of the Journal (and its distribution). Memberships are for the calendar year. Towards the end of each year, you will receive a letter/email from Taylor & Francis reminding you to renew your subscription/membership.


New Members

If you have never been an Association member, please join IACR by subscribing to the Journal. Thank you for your support and we look forward to engaging with you.


Lapsed Members

If you have been a member in the past but no longer have your customer number (printed on your reminder notice or receipt), please email Taylor & Francis to obtain your customer number. Then re-activate or renew your membership on the Taylor & Francis website. Welcome back!

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